Before you continue, please understand that:

  • This website is run by a private company. We have no connection to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or any other government agency.
  • You must send your completed government forms directly to the USCIS or other government agency. We don’t do that for you.
  • You must pay any required fees directly to the USCIS or other government agency. We don’t do that for you.
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Let A Lawyer Help You

On select filing packages, FileRight includes an Immigration Lawyer Review option for review of your completed filing package. This is just another way you can file your immigration applications with confidence.


Relax knowing an immigration lawyer has reviewed your application

Complete your application using and have an immigration lawyer provide a seven point review of your application based on the answers and information you provide. The immigration lawyer will review your application for:

  • Eligibility to file for immigration benefit sought
  • Omissions of key information
  • Typographical errors that may delay processing
  • Consistent spellings of names and places throughout
  • Inconsistent, illogical or conflicting dates
  • Entries that conflict with each other
  • Illogical entries